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aotearoa nz's histories classkit


Transforming Education through games based learning frameworks that prepare akonga for future work

A set of digital and physical resources helping educators teach their students the big ideas around Aotearoa NZ's Histories in an engaging and digital way.

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classroom ready kits

our Histories

our histories splash
Click to launch open in new window icon

local Histories

local histories splash
Click to launch open in new window icon

my History

my histories splash
Click to launch open in new window icon
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curriculum integrated

Learning Area Microcredential NZ curriculum
History styled tick styled tick
Game Design styled tick styled tick
Digital Tech styled tick styled tick
Literacy styled tick styled tick
Equity styled tick styled tick
Ideal for Years 7-10 styled tick styled tick

Our classkit is aligned with Aotearoa NZ’s Histories learning objectives and made in consultation with teachers and the Ministry of Education. Our resources are designed to enable kids and whānau to begin their journey of learning about how our past and present are inextricably linked to our future.

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Each resource completed contributes to a student’s portfolio, Record of Learning, and micro-credentials.

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